Sending events to Laudspeaker
A tutorial for sending your first events to Laudspeaker
Laudspeaker Event Structure
Laudspeaker supports the ingestion of events, and can ingest at a high throughput. Our endpoint
accepts events in batches. From as little as one event in a batch. Lets start off with an example you can run and then explain what is happening:
You can adapt the following curl example, by adding your api key (found in settings)
and you should see the resulting events in the event tracker!
Breaking down the batch of events
A batch consists of an array of events and looks like this:
Each event in the batch must adhere to the laudspeaker schema, at a minimum each event must contain an event field, correlationKey field, correlationValue field, and a source set to “custom”
Optionally it should also contain a timestamp, and uuid like below:
To customize your event with data you want to send, you should include a payload object:
Putting everything together an event batch could look like:
API Endpoint
Our event endpoint is:
Identifying users
We are able to attribute events to the right users by using the correlationValue and correlationKey pair. The correlationKey tells Laudspeaker which unique attribute of a user to use when correlating an event with a user, and for custom events should always be set to the primary key of the user. The primary key of your users is set up under the audience tab: