
The fastest growing startups and tech companies use state machines for their in-product onboarding flows, Laudspeaker makes this approach available for everyone else, and adds a layer of user state management, and experimentation on top.

How does it work?

You design the logic and steps of a product flow as well as the targeting rules in our visual editor and then can start the campaign and change and experiment the flow on the fly. Throughout this process you can track which steps users are on.

You can use Laudspeaker as a headless platform with your own components, or if you prefer you can use our pre-built components and component designer.

What are the benefits of using Laudspeaker?

  1. Laudspeaker decouples the design of individual components from the logic and ordering of steps, making it easy to experiment and change things on the fly. Experimenting and changing in-product onboarding flows is tedious engineering work but still incredibly important. By decoupling the design and logic, its possible for other team members to simply drag and drop new changes on Laudspeaker to try out new flows and experiment.
  2. Know the state of users exactly. You would be surprised how often product and engineering teams do not know which steps, or versions of in product flows users are stuck on. Laudspeaker tracks this out of the box so you (and your team) can see exactly has been made.
  3. Change the content on in-product flows without code changes You can also change text, and images on the components with Laudspeaker.
  4. You can combine in-product flows, with out-of-product messaging channels like email, sms or push with Laudspeaker. Often a well timed email, sms or push can nudge users to complete a flow. Being able to visually add these out-of-product messages to a customer journey in Laudspeaker makes your onboarding more powerful.

What are some use cases?

What do I need to get started?

In Progress!