Before using Laudspeaker to send notifications and messages, or importing users, you need to set up two things.

  1. Your user schema
  2. The message channels you plan to use

Setting up the user schema

Your user schema is found under the audience tab, under people

and then in the settings section:

The user schema is a list of all the properties you wish to store for your users in Laudspeaker.

You can name each property and you must also set its type. For example first_name would be of type string and age would be number. We support a broad range of types including string, number, date (with different formats), boolean (True or False), and arrays and objects (still in beta)

We require one special property which is called the primary key to be a unique identifier for your user. This primary key will be used subsequently to identify your user if you plan to use events with Laudspeaker, and cannot be changed once set.

Message Channels in the User Schema

We also require you to set up message channels. Message Channels are how you tell Laudsepaker which attribute we should use to send messages.

The reason we have message channels at all is because different Laudspeaker customers, use different conventions, for example some customers may use email, Email, email_address all to refer to the same thing. In the message channel section you explictly tell us what your convention is for the given message channels you use

Verifying schema is set up

Once your schema is set up correctly, if you navigate back to the people page you will notice that you can now add users!

Once you start populating your users you will notice, we show two types of user properties split across Attributes and System Attributes. System Attributes are properties Laudspeaker sets by default.

Setting up message channels

Currently Laudspeaker supports, the following channels - push, email, sms, and webhook.

To use the messaging channels in the journey builder you need to properly set up the messaging channel before hand. For example to use email, you need to set up sending address, and connect Laudspeaker to your domain. There are similar requirements for sms, push and other channels

How to set up channels

To set up message channels, you must first navigate to settings

Then in settings, navigate to the “Message Channel” tab, where you will see a list of all message channels that require set up.

To set up any channel in particular you need to click on that specific channel. Check out channels specific pages for more information, and a push specific tutorial here